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Research project PragmatiKK

Work stress is a widespread phenomenon in the modern workplace, that occours amongst others in micro- and small-sized enterprises (MSEs). Appropriate preventive measures to avoid work stress and its negative health effects are in principle available, but are barely applied in MSEs. Against this background, it was the aim of the research project to analyze the conditions for the implementation of measures to prevent stress in MSEs, as well as to develop corresponding strategies for the implementation, apply these strategies in MSEs and evaluate their success.

The cooperative project PragmatiKK (Pragmatic solutions for the implementation of measures to prevent stress in micro- and small-sized enterprises) corresponded with the focal point “Work and health”, which is already focused in other research projects, such as DYNAMIK 4.0 and SEEGEN.

This research and development project was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within “The Future of Work” Program (02L16D020 to 02L16D023) and implemented by the Project Management Agency Karlsruhe (PTKA). The author was responsible for the content of this publication. PragmatiKK has started on September 1, 2018 ending August 31, 2022.  At our chair, Judith Engels was working on the project which was led by Professor Stefan Süß and PD Dr. Sascha Ruhle.

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