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Research/Researchproject "DYNAMIK 4.0"

Traditional research on work stress and work epidemiology revealed that psychosocial work stressors could lead to mental and somatic illness of workers. However, working conditions are changing in the course of the 4th industrial revolution (industry 4.0). The increased use of information and communication technology in production (e.g. automation), flexible manufacturing of highly customized products, just-in-time production, and the combination of virtual with physical production change traditional work tasks. Well-established theories, methods and interventions have to be adapted to assess new psychosocial work stressors, and to initiate effective interventions. Particularly small and medium-sized companies are lacking appropriate and flexible occupational safety and health methods.
In this context, the project DYNAMIK 4.0 aimed to develop a web-based tool that will support the work of occupational health and safety stakeholders’ by maintaining and improving workers’ health, now and in the future. The dynamic system flexibly assess and optimize fast changing psychosocial working conditions in the course of the 4th industrial revolution and is therefore user-friendly, secure, and adaptable to different working environments. Furthermore training concepts were developed to ensure a successful implementation of the dynamic system to different small and medium businesses in the context of industry 4.0.

The research project was funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). At our chair Ines Catharina Wulf worked on the project which is led by Professor Süß.

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